Who We Are

Non-government organization (NGO) Registered under Registry of Society, Police Headquarter, Negara Brunei Darussalam 

[Akta Pertubuhan menurut ceraian (3) Bab 8 

dari Akta Pertubuhan (Penggal 203)].

Our Mission

Provide humanitarian aids both locally and


Get Involved

Our volunteers are our backbone. We are strong and in motion because of you. Together we are able to make a change in the livelihood of others in need. Be part of us.

20,000 families helped by humanitarian projects

Supported Since 2016

Over BND$ 1,194,909.51

Collected for Humanitarian Projects

Over 30 projects executed

Execution Across 6 Countries


Your greatness is not what you have, it is what you give.

Some of the partners and donors who help us make a difference.